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The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol II - Samuel Taylor Coleridge album: liste over sange og tekstoversættelse

Oplysninger om albummet The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol II af Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Vi viser dig det seneste album af Samuel Taylor Coleridge med titlen The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol II. Albummet er udgivet den Lørdag 27 juli 2024.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol I.
Listen over 121 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Her er en lille liste over sange, som Samuel Taylor Coleridge muligvis beslutter at synge, inklusive navnet på det korrisponderende album for hver sang:
  • Comparative Brevity of Greek and English
  • Song, To be Sung by the Lovers of all the noble liquors
  • If the guilt of all lying
  • An Experiment for a Metre
  • The Compliment Qualified
  • To T. Poole: An Invitation
  • Lines in a German Student's Album
  • Charles, grave or merry
  • On the Secrecy of a Certain Lady
  • To a Proud Parent
  • On the Curious Circumstance, That in the German
  • Fragments from a Notebook
  • Epitaph on a Bad Man (Three Versions)
  • Epitaph of the Present Year on the Monument of Thomas Fuller
  • On Sir Rubicund Naso
  • Money, I've heard
  • Pondere non Numero
  • Say what you will, Ingenious Youth
  • Old Harpy
  • To a Certain Modern Narcissus
  • Napoleon
  • To Susan Steele
  • Songs of Shepherds, and rustical Roundelays'
  • Μωροσοφία, or Wisdom in Folly
  • To Edward Irving
  • The Bridge Street Committee
  • Baron Guelph of Adelstan. A Fragment
  • Modern Critics
  • Imitated from Aristophanes
  • Trochaics
  • Association of Ideas
  • On the Sickness of a Great Minister
  • Nonsense ('I wish on earth to sing')
  • To a Child
  • An Apology for Spencers
  • Epitaph on a Mercenary Miser
  • Of smart pretty Fellows
  • The Netherlands
  • Scarce any scandal
  • To a Vain Young Lady
  • On a Report of a Minister's Death
  • Fragments
  • Once again, sweet Willow, wave thee'
  • To a Critic
  • Motto for a Transparency
  • The Three Sorts of Friends
  • Profuse Kindness
  • The Proper Unmodified Dochmius
  • To my Candle
  • On an Amorous Doctor
  • Job's Luck
  • To Captain Findlay
  • A Beck in Winter
  • Occasioned by the Former
  • On an Insignificant
  • To Mr. Pye
  • On a Reader of His Own Verses
  • Nonsense Sapphics
  • An evil spirit's on thee, friend
  • Spots in the Sun
  • The Alternative
  • On Deputy ——
  • On Pitt and Fox
  • What is an Epigram
  • Lines to Thomas Poole
  • In vain I praise thee, Zoilus
  • Epitaph on Himself
  • When Surface talks
  • From me, Aurelia
  • Epigram on Kepler
  • Translation of a Fragment of Heraclitus
  • Here lies the Devil
  • Occasioned by the Last
  • Nonsense Verses
  • To One Who Published in Print
  • Iambics
  • There in some darksome shade'
  • The Taste of the Times
  • A Plaintive Movement
  • In Spain, that land
  • To be ruled like a Frenchman
  • Translation of the First Strophe of Pindar's Second Olympic
  • To a Lady who requested me to Write a Poem upon Nothing
  • Cholera Cured Before-hand
  • So Mr. Baker
  • A Simile
  • On a Slanderer
  • On a Late Marriage between an Old Maid and French Petit Maître
  • Authors and Publishers
  • To a Well-known Musical Critic
  • Drinking versus Thinking
  • My Godmother's Beard
  • A Metrical Accident
  • Inscription for a Time-piece
  • A Hint to Premiers and First Consuls
  • On the Above
  • On Mr. Ross, usually Cognominated Nosy
  • Rufa
  • On a Volunteer Singer
  • Bo-Peep and I Spy—
  • On Donne's Poem ‘To a Flea'
  • On the Most Veracious Anecdotist
  • Fragment of an Ode on Napoleon
  • There comes from old Avaro's grave
  • Written in an Album
  • Always Audible
  • To Baby Bates
  • Bob now resolves
  • For a House-Dog's Collar
  • Verses Trivocular
  • Each Bond-street buck
  • Nothing speaks our mind
  • Nonsense
  • An excellent adage
  • Epitaph on Major Dieman
  • From an Old German Poet
  • The Wills of the Wisp
  • Sentimental
  • Over my Cottage

Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Samuel Taylor Coleridge